Thursday, June 24, 2010

Video showing my avatar's journey through the Office Space.


So this brings an end to the design of my Architecture Office. Personally I am pleased with the outcome as my main goal was to make sure that it educated my visoters about the three journals and I believe it manages to do this effectively.

The exterior design of the office was simply from my own insipiration, trying to create a natural space that would bring people closer to the outdoors and allow them to feel free, not confined by small spaces and corners, and not held back because of a disiability. This is a space for different people to come and feel at home with their surroundings.

This is my favourite view of my office. At night looking outwards towards the water. The way the roof slopes and the panels of images create an interesting piece of architecture that has amazing movement. It almost looks like a holy place for Architecture, which in some ways this office is as it is celebrating Architecture.

The pannels were lit up at night so that the visuals are clear to see, but also to emphasise the shape of the office which is vital for visually impaired people who rely on lighting and colour contrasts. This means that the handrail, floor and roof line are all highlighted, maping the shape of the room, while the furniture was made a white leather, to create a strong colour contrast with the floor.

At day time, this office is lit up with collages that define Archiecture on the inside, while creating a natural element on the outside of the office with a transparent bush scene. For those whose sight is impaired, I have added sounds that welcome the visoter to the office, allowing the to know that they have entered this space. On the other hand, I have hovering welcome messages for those whose hearing is impaired.
The size of the office had to be expanded from my original to allow adequete room for wheelchairs and accessibility. Therefore I went with a circular single room, as I didnt want seperate cubicles or inhabited corners. I wanted a space that has circulation space throughout with plenty of walking room as wheel as maneuovering room for a person in a wheelchair. Therefore everything was designed with a central axis. The seats however were specifically designed with large spaces between each seat for people with wheelchairs to be able to pass through them.
Timber pillars have been used for the exterior as they are strong, stable and durable when treated. They also harmonize with the surrounding environment, almost creating a haven in this barren land that doesnt have any trees.
The entrance way is located below the small second roof, that also hovers on beams. The whole building seems to be almost lifting off which emphasises the freedom I want my visoters to feel. The slops of the roof was designed to establish this idea, as well as architecturally being parallel with the sloping hill below.

The office is supported by these various columns, along with the central support, all out of timber. Combined with the boardwalk, this creates a typical bushwalk scene in New Zealand.
The sloping roof facing outwards, away from the other offices, but ou towards the quite ocean so my visoters can get a peace of mind and feel relaxed when the come or work in the Architectural Office.
The decking outside, is to allow some maenuvering room on the rough terrain with a slight ramp on the left hand side for access, as well as creating a boardwalk to the next office. This decking creates some much needed flat space where people with disabilities would be able to take a break and simply enjoy the views.

The desk in the centre is circular to harmonize with the rest of the room and also taking into consideration the reaching point of people in wheelchairs or people with disabilities. There wouldnt be much point in having the desk as one flat surface as the middle of the desk would be unaccessible. The chairs also taper inwards for easy navigation around the objects, and the desk edge is rounded for safety purposes.
Favourite view :) - Inspiring.

Alpha Channel Material

So the following images are my Alpha Channel Materials, that I have created from the books I sourced to educate my audience what details and needed in and for architecture, and showing this through visuals that will encapture the attention of visoters. They are a mix of random images that have signigificance to Architecture, however I am not applying that these only define what Architecture is about.
They contain images of well-known architects, buildings and spaces, drawings and plans, and snapshots of the architecture office itself to integrate them all together.